A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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It's kinda useless but also funny which is basically every popular app ever — Jerry Huber

General summary

  1. Uses a deep neural network to find faces (and only keep those that are above the confidence threshold)
  2. If its a video/camera input, give a small margin of error for faces that previously disappeared. (In case it was an error on the face detection's part and it just missed the face for a frame, we don't want to shuffle all the faces by removing it then re-adding it)
  3. Paste people's faces on other people's faces (either as rectangles or ovals)
  4. Possibly apply blurring around the edges of the pasted face
  5. Possibly render debug information about the face detections, FPS, and the margin of error.

Work by Millan Kumar and Jerry Huber for Advanced Honors Computer Science at The Bishop's School (Lab 1).


>>> python main_cli.py -h
usage: main_cli.py [-h] -i {image,video,camera} [-p PATH] [-c CONFIDENCE] [-s SAVE] [-d]
                   [-b] [-t BLUR_THICKNESS] [-r BLUR_RADIUS] [-o] [-w WAIT_TIME]
                   [-m ORDER_OFFSET]
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i {image,video,camera}, --input {image,video,camera}
                        input type
  -p PATH, --path PATH  path to image or video (not required for camera)
  -c CONFIDENCE, --confidence CONFIDENCE
                        confidence threshold for face detection
  -s SAVE, --save SAVE  save output to path
  -d, --debug           draw debug outlines
  -b, --blur            enable blurring
  -t BLUR_THICKNESS, --blur-thickness BLUR_THICKNESS
                        blur thickness
  -r BLUR_RADIUS, --blur-radius BLUR_RADIUS
                        blur strength (higher = lower fps)
  -o, --oval            cut out faces as ovals instead of rectangles
  -w WAIT_TIME, --wait-time WAIT_TIME
                        how long to wait before removing a face (only for `-i video/camera)`
  -m ORDER_OFFSET, --order-offset ORDER_OFFSET
                        face swap ordering offset

All parameters are available in both the GUI and the CLI version. In the GUI version, you can change the parameters in real time both on images and video.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Windows GUI Version.zip 9.8 MB
Cross Platform CLI Version.zip 4.9 MB
Both Versions - Source Code.zip 73 MB

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